Conquering Cave Crickets: Garden City Homeowners' Complete Guide To Prevention And Control

cave cricket

Cave crickets are a lesser-known type of house crickets that Garden City homeowners may encounter, but the frequency of cave cricket pest infestations is increasing. Cave crickets thrive in dark, cool environments, and you can find them worldwide. They are nocturnal, meaning that they prefer to come out at night. Although cave crickets do not bite or sting, and though they do not have venom, they can be problematic around your house once an infestation has been established.

If you’ve discovered cave crickets and are trying to figure out what to do, Pied Piper Pest Control can help. We know how to get rid of crickets in houses, and we can get them out of yours. 

Characteristics Of Cave Crickets: What to Look For

Here are some characteristics of cave crickets to help you identify them when you find them:

  • Cave crickets have round bodies and severely curved backs.

  • Cave crickets are often light to dark, mottled brown.

  • Cave crickets have long back legs typical of crickets.

  • Cave crickets have long front and side legs that give them a spider-like appearance.

  • Cave crickets have long antennae that arc out in front of them.

These are some of the identifying characteristics of cave crickets. They love to hide in dark, cool areas of your home, and you will often find them there. They are incidental invaders, meaning they will come into your home more as an accident than on purpose. Once inside, however, they can breed very rapidly. What starts as just a few cave crickets can turn into many. 

Pied Piper Pest Control professionals know how to get rid of crickets in walls and everywhere else. If you have crickets in your house, you need us there, too, to let us get rid of them. Get in touch with us today. 

Damage And Disruption: Effects Of Cave Cricket Presence

Beyond their presence, cave crickets can cause damage to your home. They can feed on fabric and, over time, can cause damage to textiles, clothing, drapery, and even furniture. 

Pied Piper Pest Control can help prevent that. Contact us today for help with cave crickets or any other pest infestation.

Professional Pest Control: A Great Way To Get Rid Of Crickets

Cave crickets do not respond well to DIY pest control techniques. They are not attracted to bait traps and tend to be highly reclusive, nocturnal insects; this makes identifying and controlling infestations challenging. Cave crickets are known to be highly persistent pests, and they can prove frustrating for the average homeowner to control. 

If you want to get rid of crickets, all it takes is a call to Pied Piper Pest Control. We pride ourselves on helping area homeowners eliminate pest infestations of every kind, and we’ve successfully handled our share of cricket infestations. Contact us today for Garden City pest control, and let us help you with cave crickets.

Cricket Prevention: Naturally Effective Tips

Given that cave crickets can cause damage once they get in your home, and because they can be difficult to control, here are some tips for decreasing your chances of having to deal with them in your home:

  • Use a dehumidifier: Using a dehumidifier in areas that cave crickets like to frequent can allow you to make that area less appealing to them.

  • Decrease clutter: Decreasing the places where cave crickets can hide and nest can help make your property less attractive to them. 

  • Eliminate moisture sources: Eliminating moisture sources in your home can decrease its appeal to cave crickets and other invasive insects. 

  • Seal your home: Sealing your home can help eliminate cricket access points.

These tips can help you control crickets in your home. Pied Piper Pest Control can also help. Call us today. We know how to get rid of crickets.

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